Friday, September 26, 2008

Random thoughts

Asparagus juice.  Seriously, who drinks that? 
Giving my phone number to a taxi driver?  Definitely a big no-no in the U.S., but apparently it's kosher in China.  At least when your taxi driver wants you to tutor his son in English. 
I am amazed at the Chinese ingenuity when it comes to keeping hot water hot.  Every university student has a really large thermos (I mean really large... think 2-3 feet tall) that they bring to the hot water unit to fill up.  Because LiaoDa's international dorm also only has hot water 5 1/2 hours a day and the hot water unit for drinking is 5 floors down from me, I decided to invest in one of those recently.  Turns out it lasts as hot water to drink/use for at least 48 hours!  How amazing is that!
Being sick in China?  Definitely not fun.  But with the sudden drop in temperature to a low of 3 Celsius (about 37F), many of us are getting sick.  Yippee.
Week-long Chinese holiday?  Count me in!  I bought my train ticket today to leave Tuesday for Inner Mongolia with my Belgian friends.  Unfortunately, all the sleepers (beds) and soft seats were taken, so we'll be enjoying our 22 hour train ride on hard seats.  We'll see if we're still friends after that. :)

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Did you try the asparagus juice? It could be good, I suppose. We're having a cousin's dinner here in a couple weeks, so I thought of you. You can't get a flight from China to Lansing for the weekend, can you? Anyway, hope you have a good weekend! Jodi