Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a picture is worth a thousand words...

... so this post must be worth several thousand words. I thought I'd save you and me both time by posting some pictures rather than typing out all the thousands of words. :)

1. I had to laugh the first time I saw the "2 kuai" store near my apartment. Something like a dollar store, except that 2 kuai is only 29 cents. But I REALLY had to laugh when I saw that the 2 kuai store had been one-upped... here's the 1 kuai store!!

2. Pick-up game of basketball/keep-away with the kids in the complex. I live through the door behind my roommate's shoulder.

3. Wedding! Cameroonian groom, Chinese bride, and American pastor.

4. At my friend's graduation from the Medical University. Definitely a cross-cultural experience.

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